OK, English, thats three so far for Dubno Moor. Do I win anything????
A box of that wonderful English tea, perhaps?
i want to give my house a name.
lot's of my neighbours have already done this, so we have a plethora of name boards springing up in my road.
(actually, i susupect it's a sort of snobbery so that people will know that it's not just another old house full of flats and bedsits but a privately owned whole house).
OK, English, thats three so far for Dubno Moor. Do I win anything????
A box of that wonderful English tea, perhaps?
i want to give my house a name.
lot's of my neighbours have already done this, so we have a plethora of name boards springing up in my road.
(actually, i susupect it's a sort of snobbery so that people will know that it's not just another old house full of flats and bedsits but a privately owned whole house).
Dubno Moor ???
hey guys it's me again!!!.
i know it been a awhile since i last came on, but here's what happened when i arrived at my parents home after 18 months of not associating with each other.
well things went ok, it was great to see them in a normal way.
Gosh, Boo, That is great news!!!
I for one, am just tickled pink for you. It sounds like you have a wonderful family, and that they are keeping their priorities straight.
Kudo's to them.
I hope things continue to evolve in a positive way for you, thanks for sharing.
hi.. i am a long time member of the board, but i am too embarrassed to put this under my username.
if people 'discover' who this is, please keep it to yourselves.
simon, my apologies, but please understand why i created the username.
Dear Aspriration
You are having the classic symptoms of depression dear. I have it too, and I know exactly how you are feeling. I am sorry to hear you are suffering, I know it sucks. And I would not worry about the drinks to feel better, it is simply self-medicating, a fast way to feel better.
I have used paxil, and other anti-depressants. They help lots of people, and they are readily available. Depression can be triggered by stressors, like a change in jobs, loss of a loved one, etc.
It sure sounds like you have been through alot, and leaving the dubs can be very traumatic, because EVERYTHING changes. It effects friendships, family, and even your daily schedule is thrown for a loop, after attending all the meetings and all, one could find it hard to replace all that time that used to be filled.
I would encourage you to see a doc as soon as possible, and see about some meds. I would also encourage you not to feel ashamed over this. I know it is hard for a man to admit he isnt feeling all that strong, but you are in good company.
Best wishes to you sweetie. I am thinking of you, and will keep you in my prayers. I don't know who you are, but God does, and I hope you feel better soon!!!!
Thanks for the clarification mate.
below are scans for the two-page document that jehovah's witnesses give to legal authorities to state their official policy on blood.. page 1:.
page 2 can be found here, but is too large to comfortably include as an image: http://home.attbi.com/~alanf00/images/med_alt_p2.jpg.
Thanks Hawk,
I see what you mean about a doc giving something to someone to cause them to die. What I am getting at is ''causing death by omission''.
That is prosecutable in other situations, and I am wondering why not in the blood withholding arena.
Think he will get his own talk show some day? Tee Hee Hee
What really pisses me off, is even after this poor mans agonizing death, the media (especially court tv) keeps calling this the '' HOMELESS MAN murder trial'' etc. Why is it that they keep repeating his housing status, as if that makes it different from anyone else?
I have noticed this in other cases where prostitues have been murdered. ""Jane Doe, a PROSTITUTE, was found murdered""
Why is that? I mean, these are someones sons and daughters, or mothers, or dads. Why can't they show any humanity to these people, even in death?
below are scans for the two-page document that jehovah's witnesses give to legal authorities to state their official policy on blood.. page 1:.
page 2 can be found here, but is too large to comfortably include as an image: http://home.attbi.com/~alanf00/images/med_alt_p2.jpg.
I have a question.
In America, there has been much debate, and even resolutions voted on concerning what is called ''assisted suicide''. It is considered akin to murder in most legal circles, and in most social ones as well.
My question is this, If I am a dub, and my life hangs in the balance over a simple transfusion, and I refuse it, on religious grounds, am I not commiting suicide? Or in the case of a parent, making the decision for a minor child, Manslaughter? Am I forcing a medical doctor to participate in euthenasia?
Personally, I think so. Hopefully, soon we will see a court case brought confronting these issues, I don't see how anyone with any sense of deccentcy could see it any other way.
it seems the more responsibility the brothers have, the bigger their briefcase..
12 spoons for spanking
11 watchtow'r magazines
10 exedrine tablets
9 forms for filing
8 dirty pictures
7 contact numbers
6 pads of paper
4 new world translations
3 county maps
2 old gum wrappers.....
and a pair of boots for when the sh*t gets deep !
(sung to the tune of twelve days of christmas)